Privacy Policy


Owner: Hemisphere Investments SAC ("Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores").
Tax Identification Number (RUC): 20492205886
Legal address: Av. José Pardo 879 - Miraflores

Information and Consent

By reading this Privacy Policy, the User is informed about how Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores collects, processes, and protects the personal data provided through the website (hereinafter, the "website"), as well as data related to their connection and navigation through the Website (hereinafter, "navigation"), and any other data that may be provided in the future to Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores through the Accommodation Agreement or any other enabled means.
The User should carefully read this Privacy Policy, which has been drafted in a clear and simple manner for easy understanding, and determine freely and voluntarily whether they wish to provide their personal data or those of third parties to Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores.

Obligation to Provide Data

The data requested in the forms accessible from the Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores website are, in general, mandatory (unless otherwise specified in the required field) to fulfill the established purposes. Therefore, if they are not provided or are not provided correctly, they cannot be addressed.

Purpose of Processing User's Personal Data by Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores and Duration

Depending on the User's requests, the personal data collected will be processed by Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores for the following purposes:
Manage reservations made, including payment management (if applicable), and the handling of requests and preferences.
Manage the subscription to the newsletter and subsequent sending of the same.
Manage User's contact requests with Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores through the channels provided for this purpose.
Manage the sending of personalized commercial communications from Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores, through electronic and/or conventional means, in cases where the User expressly consents.
Manage the provision of the contracted accommodation service, as well as additional stay services.
Manage the conduct of surveys and/or evaluations regarding the quality of the services provided by Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores and/or the perception of its image as a company.
User data will be retained for the period necessary to fulfill each purpose or until the User requests their withdrawal from Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores, opposes, or revokes their consent.

What User Data will Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores Process?

Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores may process the following categories of data, depending on the User's request:
Identifying information: name, surname.
Contact details: postal address, mobile phone, email address.
Data corresponding to the Dazzler Corporate program.
User identification codes or keys.
Personal characteristic data: date of birth, gender, nationality.
Preference data.
Geolocation data.
Card data, necessary for the payment of the reservation or to guarantee it, as well as for paying the stay or associated services.
In case of registration and/or access through a third-party account, Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores may collect and access certain information from the User's profile on the corresponding social network, solely for internal administrative purposes and/or for the purposes indicated above.
If the User provides data from third parties, they declare to have their consent and undertake to convey to the interested party, the owner of such data, the information contained in this Privacy Policy, releasing Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores from any responsibility in this regard. However, Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores may carry out the necessary verifications to verify this, adopting the due diligence measures that correspond, in accordance with data protection regulations.

Legitimacy of Data Processing

Data processing necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes that require the User's consent will not be carried out without it. Likewise, if the User withdraws their consent to any of the treatments, it will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out before.
To revoke such consent, the User can contact Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores through the following channels: Via email to the address, in both cases with the reference "Data Protection."
In cases where it is necessary to process the User's data to fulfill a legal obligation or for the execution of the existing contractual relationship between Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores and the User, the processing would be legitimized as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes. The processing carried out for surveys and/or evaluations regarding the quality of the services provided by Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores and/or the perception of its image as a company will be based on the legitimate interest of the data controller.

Recipients of User Data

The User's data may be communicated to:
Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores, solely for internal administrative purposes and/or for the aforementioned purposes.
Suppliers of Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores for the proper fulfillment of legal obligations and/or the aforementioned purposes.
Partners and collaborating companies of Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes and/or, if authorized, for sending commercial communications.
Public Administrations, in cases provided by law.

User Responsibility

The User:
Guarantees that they are of legal age or legally emancipated, fully capable, and that the data provided to Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores are true, accurate, complete, and up-to-date. For these purposes, the User is responsible for the truthfulness of all the data communicated and will keep the provided information appropriately updated to reflect their real situation.
Ensures that they have informed any third parties from whom they provide data, if applicable, of the aspects contained in this document. Likewise, guarantees that they have obtained their authorization to provide their data to Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores for the specified purposes.
Will be responsible for false or inaccurate information provided through the Website and for any direct or indirect damages caused to Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores or third parties.

Commercial and Promotional Communications

One of the purposes for which Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores processes User data is for sending commercial communications, through electronic and/or conventional means, with information regarding products, services, promotions, offers, events, or news relevant to Users. Any communication of this type will be directed exclusively to those Users who have authorized its receipt and/or who have not previously expressed their refusal to receive such communications.
To carry out the above, Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores may analyze the obtained data to create User profiles that allow for a more detailed definition of the products that may be of interest.
If the User wishes to stop receiving commercial or promotional communications from Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores, they can request to unsubscribe by sending an email to the following email address:, as well as indicating their refusal to receive such communications through the unsubscribe option provided in each of the commercial communications sent.

Security Measures

Hotel Dazzler Lima Miraflores will treat User data at all times in absolute confidence and will maintain the necessary duty of secrecy regarding them, in accordance with the applicable regulations. To this end, the appropriate technical and organizational measures will be adopted to ensure the security of the data, preventing their alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks they are exposed to.